
Alignment & Liberation

This 6 month container will allow for me to be with you in the deepening of your love and embodiment journey. In this container, we work closely with your limiting beliefs, Using powerful Energy Clearings and Dimensional Energy Healing Methods to re-pattern your beliefs around aligned wealth, health and your gifts.


— A Client’s Story —

She Activated the Healing Power in her Voice and Manifested Greatness

I rarely make shares like this, but if I do then you have a chance to see an amazing example of Creator Energy at work. I recently helped an international grammy awarded recording artist inside the Love Rising Mentorship Container — and what did we do? We Galactivated her Big Mojo!

The kind of big mojo that represents an act of joy, an act of bravery and a stand for the authentic spirit arising in the people today.

We worked on actualizing the big vision she was receiving fom her higher self guidance. She wanted to do something she had never done before and was incubating in her being for many years after going through transformation from her own spiritual awakening processes. She wanted to bring her Pleiadian and Lemurian connection to the world stage in the form of a musical but in the beginning there was some pain around the idea, tension about realizing it through 3D systems, the funding for it, and the uncertainty of doing something new in an entirely new way.

We worked on everything that was keeping her new state of being from actualizing a higher manifestation. We cleared out the weeds of the resistance and healed significant trauma imprints that were still controlling her. We also got into geography, the land, and opening up the ley lines that wanted to support her and her musical. She really knocked it out of the park!

Then my favorite part — We activated her voice for the Pleadian and Lemurian Light Medicine she is a keeper of to come through! With the right clearing processes, the True Voice can awaken multidimensional capacities. Now Heathers incredible operatic voice can effect healing and positive shifts for the audience it was intended for!

Before finding me, Heather was going through years of significant transformation and multi-dimensional awakening. She brought her calling and the big galactic technologies she wanted to bring out of her into the 6 month Mentorship Container.

Now she has created the world’s first channeled theater production and it happened with the ease and flow she wanted! Her musical combines the power of esoteric theater with a fun loving story about Unity winning in the end. The project even brought her family closer together. How does it get better then that?

Here is what she said about our time working together during the Mentorship:


“Working with Amma Lu for 6 months transformed my life. In the first session hip pain of 5 years dissolved and never returned. By systematically releasing blocks, trauma after trauma came up to be transformed. It has been nothing less than extraordinary. Learning about my life mission, stepping deeper into my gifts, producing a musical in collaboration with spirit have been the greatest blessing. I am free and full of peace. What an honor of a lifetime to be transformed by the gifts of Amma Lu. Truly a Love Rising.”

— Heather Schmid


Heather created the world’s first channeled musical theater, telling the story of Unity Winning.


Open Enrollment for the Love Rising Mentorship

This Container specifically serves Transformational Leaders in Actualizing their Soul’s Greatness, authentically.

No left-hand path magic tricks and spells, right-hand path extremes, or a social media trending, convoluted short-cut. Love Rising will annihilate all confusion about the Simple Truth in Your Being.

Love Rising assists Leaders in:

  • Changing your state of being, changes the world.

  • Breaks the spells of opposition, limitation and survival.

  • Transforms deeply rooted negative beliefs.

  • Heals the hard to reach, wounds at the Core that effect how others show up around us.

  • Activates the power of your Voice.

  • Aligns you to the synchronicity of the Abundant Universe.

    Love Rising’s approach is not about shortcuts. We are for Long-Term, Solid Growth to arise in you. We are a space for Empowered Alignment from your Divine Cosmic Source, from which all the best things that are meant for you, flow towards you without resistance. This is for those who are spiritually evolving and are ready to liberate their state of being so the highest manifestations can happen for the good of all involved in their world.

Shifts your Being

The shift that changes everything needs to happen at the level of your Being — not your practicals, and not your thoughts! This is where most get stuck. When your Infinite Being comes online, the real you takes over and it seems like magic but its not, its Cosmic Law.

Deep Transformation

The Program is successful because we expertly dig for the core cause with compassion; addressing limiting beliefs, healing emotional triggers, and getting deep enough to complete wounded imprints. Nothing real changes until those core wounds are transformed.

Realize Your Conciousness

More and More and More of the True You is Realized. Your Awareness of how you manifested things you didn’t want you will have the grace in learning from so you can manifest consciously moving forward as the Creator Being you're here to joyfully be.

Do you have a joy mission to serve humanity?

You’re here likely going through the pain of awakening. It’s like the layers are peeling back to reveal more and more truth, the ego has been in it’s death throes, and you may be emotionally wrecked by it all but you’re still here and your Universe is asking you to JUMP INTO YOUR DESTINY.

You may not know what IT IS just yet or what form it wishes to take. Most of my clients didn’t know either. But during the container, it is always shown. If you can sense that you have something BIG to bring to the world and are feeling the urges to go there, I invite you to work with me to bring that much needed medicine out because our world needs you, your gifts, and your voice to show us what is Now Possible!

I have colossal Manifestor energy that is here for Humanity. I am only allowed to share it with those who are here to make a difference. I am here to work with those who can make a joyful and authentic difference in the world.

That’s why Amazing things manifest out of the Love Rising Container. That’s why great potential is called into it. Love Rising is a Big Angel (a very skilled one) who is on your side, giving you the tools to set you free, magnetize your highest success, manifest from your full expression and embody your peace and freedom. It is a full and complete transformation (if you let it) that lasts with you for the rest of your life and my greatest gift to give to all whom find it.

— Amma Lu

Regular monthly group sessions on Zoom.

Connect with Amma Lu from anywhere around the world during a time slot you select.

Three private 1-1 Sessions with Amma Lu.

Also over Zoom.

eBooks, practices, tools and group learnings on a private community platform.