Q: Why don’t you credit Jesus for your healings?

Q: Why don’t you credit Jesus for your healings? You would receive more clout if you mentioned the Bible.

I love Jesus, yet he announces his presence as Yeshua when he comes to visit. Also Buddha, Quan Yin, and the sweet Mother Mary. So many contribute to the Healings. There are galactic beings too and formless spheres of Rainbow Light and Sound. The Cosmic Great Grandmothers. Lyrans, Lemurians, Pleiadians, Hathors, and ancient Yogis. The Ascended Goddess of Earth, Terra. And let’s not forget the Body, its organs and every cell and atom. These things are alive. They know how to heal themselves. The role of the Healer is to help get the mind out of the way so the healing can take place. This takes significant skill, compassion, focus and commitment.

I am skilled in such ways that make it possible to guide. Guide all of the realtionships into harmony. This is what the Healing does. All the working parts need to get along. For example, the part that is Jesus will get along with the parts that seem to work against him, and when that getting along happens — a felt Transformation occurs inside the person. This is typically when a client will feel closer to the real Jesus then they have ever felt before.

To do this well, it has taken me many years of training, investment in healing modalities, retreat from the modern world, solitude and stillness. I guide the Soul to its Origin, its God-Source-Energy that is the infinite Being within. That is the One doing the healing. That is the One saying, all parts need to get along and come Home now.

The “I” myself does not have such power. “You” do not have such power. The “I” has nothing to do with the IT.

The One that can humbly allow such power may be given the chance to be an emptied conduit for it to flow through. The rest is about how well you are listening to the energy, and applying your skills for the energy.

In order to heal, one first needs Energy. So how will you get it? Not from your concern for clout and reputation. The Ones whom are given this power (there are many present on Earth at this time) are the ones whom place their Compassion ahead of clout. This is my testimony.

Teachers have knowledge. Healers have compassion. To be masterful at both you must have Wisdom.

Many of the Energy Masters before said that Truth can't be captured in words as scriptures can be manipulated, and this is why our ancient mystics told stories, danced and sang songs. The purest transmission of energy is in Silence and Sound. I love that. I would love to see us one day go beyond the need for Scripture and instead be free in our energy bodies, One with the energy that originally created it. Everything we need is already here, inside.

I am an Ancient Soul. In this lifetime, I am not here to depend on any text or lineage. I am here to remember the God-Source, and draw upon it directly. I read the book that is in my Heart, as guided by God-Source. It is God-Source that sends the ascended energies to support the process. From what I have been shown, going to the Source first disallows entities to intrude in the process. Source will only send the most loving and helpful energies to induce corrections and balance in those who choose to see me. The ones that choose my offerings are also old souls on similar journeys, with similar capacities and are here to contribute to a new reality of Unification & Peace on Earth.

Amma Lu

Copyright © Amma Lu. Share with credit and link back to original post.


Q: Please share from your experience how you ended neediness?


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